Frequently asked questions about wood-burning fireplace stoves

Rajapalaiyam, Fri. 02 Oct. 2020 4:40 AM, News Post

Wood burning fireplace stoves that were installed after March 22, 2010 must prove through the manufacturer's type test that they meet the requirements for emission limit values ​​and minimum efficiency. The requirements of the BImSchG level one apply until January 31, 2014: Less than 2000 mg / m³ CO, less than 75 mg / m³ fine dust and an efficiency of more than 73 percent. From 01/01/2015, level two will apply: Less than 1250 mg / m³ CO, less than 40 mg / m³ with an efficiency of more than 73 percent. As a rule, modern stoves already meet the requirements of level two!